Hello There, whoever happens to stumble through here, hopefully you will find something useful, entertaining and informative in my ramblings here.
I am Nicolette Stevens, a 33 year old Pagan woman who has practiced and studied many forms of Nature Based Spirituality since I was a child. I have been involved in and helped to lead and teach within several different Wiccan Traditions in different communities over the years. Currently most of my paractice is solitary, although I consider myself a member of the Odyssian Wiccan Tradition, which is primarily based in Canada. The tradition I came to work within has a strong emphasis on teaching and sharing useful knowledge, so that it might evolve and continue to be useful in the world and not be lost in some quaint retelling of history. We are the current evolution of mankind, we walk in the footsteps of all the priests and priestess and sages and wise people of other days. As such, we have an obligation to share what we know that it may be useful for future generations as well as for each other present in this world now. The future people of the world will walk in our foossteps, so let us give them clear and vaired beautiful pathways that may in turn help them to grow and evolve in positive spiritual ways.
I am also a professional Tarot Reader by trade; who has been doing readings at stores, parties, festivles, in public and in private for well over a decade. I began to teach myself as a child, before studying at length with an accomplished reader and spiritual teacher who I am blessed to be friends with. She taught me many things which I then experimented with on my own, developing a lot of experiences in different communities across the United States, Canada, and England.
I have taught classes in the past at quaint and quiet local occult stores namely in Michigan, where I grew up. Over the five years I was teaching publically I developed a lot of written material that I used for handouts in my classes, workshops, and discussion groups. My students also put together a wealth of information in reports and reaserch projects I encouraged them to do. It is my intention to share much of that basic material here.
Because it's a blog and the posts will cascade backwards in time, it may read “out of order” and you may want to go through the posts from the beginning.... however, I believe some things, like spiritual seeking and yearning, are timeless. You can probably pick up from anywhere and find something that may be valid or useful to you.
I invite other Priests, Priestesses, and Spiritual Folks of all traditions and backgrounds to comment here, and contribute if you feel so moved. In some things I may be quite proficent, but in others I am only beginning to learn.
That is the nature of this page. We all have something to teach each other, ways in which we could grow, and ways in which we might help others to learn something useful for themselves
Peace, and Blessed Be. The Path is Everywhere- even on the Internet. Welcome to Paganism in the Modern Age.
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