Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Serindipity and Connectivity

See, now I know that “The Goddess” or “The Divine” or “The connective forces of the Universe” or “Neture” or “Quantum Physics” works in really fracking Mysterious ways, Ways beyond my comprehension, but not occasionally, my delight. Of course I always knew that, but this one made me smile.

Once upon a time, in another life, when I was about 19 I worked for the Ohio Renaissance fair. I was living in my very first apartment in Detroit, managing a retail art store, and driving back and fourth to this Renaissance festival in Ohio on the weekends. Among other things on my adventures there, I got to begin to learn sword fighting, got to wear an amazingly boned and tailored Elizabethan bodice and dress, sold pewter jewelery, and made ridiculous sums of money for a nineteen year old hippy. I did one cool thing then that only 2 other people knew I was involved in- I started writing notes from “the merry little elves”, purchasing roses, and sending them one by one to random strangers that appeared to deserve in intriguing random reason to smile. The lady who lost her kids and spend hours waiting at the gate, the tired shop keep, the boy with the broken heart- all got these random single roses and notes. It was a cute little way to make people smile, and it was fun to be in cahoots with the rose seller, my liaison in the flower running business.

I made many cool friends there, and lost track of all of them in the set of moves and life changes over the following decade. While working on my blogs one day I ran across someone else's post that mentioned a dream with me in it.... err...on some random blog. Of course I had to look, and couldn't immediately figure out if it was about me or about someone with the same name, but it sure sounded like me. And then, this person starts talking about New Orleans?

Turns out it was one of the folks I was friends with way back then. He wrote me back after I commented to him, and how cool! Apparently I had a conversation with him about Paganism -that- long ago during the summer we were hanging out, and it affected his life positively enough that he still remembered me all these years later; and somehow also wound up living in New Orleans at some point in his journeys. Very interesting. It really goes to support my theory that there is some connective force in the world that moves many of us along the same pathways.

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