*note- when I wrote this article I was teaching a class on Wicca, so the concept of Elements is framed within the
Wiccan concept of working natural
magick within a particular type of Pagan Circle. The
correspondences and basic concepts hold weather you follow Wicca, a different Pagan path, or something with less dogmatic definition entirely. The meditation may be useful to anyone of any
spiritual path.
The Elements
sylvianaThe four elements are Earth, Air, Fire and Water. They combine to make the fifth element, called Spirit or
In Wicca the elements are revered as honored guests and friends, although they are not worshiped as Deity. They are seen as very powerful energies present in all life, and we call on them to aid in ritual and
magick. It is believed that each of the four elements must exist in a state of balance with one another, and that each is necessary to sustain life. The concept of four elements as the components or "creative forces" of life is believed to have originated during the classical period of ancient Greece.
The elements are often personified as
Elementals, beings or spirits that are of a particular element. Gnomes and Dryads are associated with Earth. Zephyrs and Fairies are associated with Air. Salamanders and
Fire drakes are associated with Fire.
Undines and Mermaids are associated with Water.
When we speak of an Element we are referring to the essence of all that element is, it's essential energy, and what it represents to us. When we speak of
Elementals we are referring to beings or spirits associated with a particular element.
Elements can act in a variety of combinations, which you will understand if you watch and think about patterns of nature and natural occurrences. Mist for instance, can be seen as a combination of Water and Air.
Many people feel more drawn to and able to work with specific elements. This is perfectly natural. It may be the result of current circumstances in a persons life, or have something to do with the essential constitution of one's personality and psyche. To practice Wicca however, you should become comfortable working with each of the elements. It will be necessary to performing effective
Wiccan ritual and
Magick, and will help to create the personal balance we strive for and need to attain in spirituality and the practice of
magick. Balance regarding the elemental energies is very important. It is okay to feel more naturally connected to one of the elements, but not at the expense of coming to an understanding and forming relationships with each of them.
Generally in Wicca we focus on the positive aspects of the elements; however it should be noted that they all have negative aspects as well. Negative aspects of the elements seem to arise when they are out of balance with one another. For instance physical illness and earthquakes can be attributed to Earth; mental instability and tornadoes can be attributed to Air, destructive passions and erupting volcanoes can be attributed to fire, depression and floods can be attributed to Water.
As you progress in your studies you will begin to be able to recognize the elements in nature, how they interact with one another, how they interact with you personally, what they represent and why, and what they feel like. Perceiving and
working with elemental energy is a primary component of
Wiccan ritual and
magick. It is also important to the understanding and integration of spiritual philosophies associated with this path.
You should begin by learning about each element and what it represents.
The element of Earth represents the firmament, the earth itself. We are sustained by the food that it's flora and fauna provide. Earth is also associated with the physical stuff of our homes, our clothing, and even our bodies. Concepts associated with Earth are stability, growth, and fertility. It's directional correspondence is North and the color most frequently used to represent it is green.
The element of Air represents the air we breathe, the breath of life, which is necessary to us from the time we enter this life until the time we leave it. It rules over many of the things we cannot see, but know to exist, like the mind and thought. Intellect, knowledge of truth, and mental inspiration are concepts associated with Air. It's directional correspondence is East and the color most frequently used to represent it is yellow.
The element of fire represents the spark of life, the warmth we need, and the blood that courses through our veins. It rules over light which is necessary to see, and also represents the metaphorical concept of the Light which we need to be able to See. Concepts associated with Fire are purification, energy, will and passion. It's directional correspondence is South and the color most frequently used to represent it is red.
The element of Water represents the waters of the world, which we take into ourselves to sustain life. Rain, rivers, springs and oceans are all things of Water. Concepts associated with water are healing,
nurturance, dreams, the emotions, and Love. It's directional correspondence is West and the color most frequently used to represent it is blue.
Spirit is not exactly an element, but more like the essence of what the other elements come from, and the synthesis of what they are when combined in perfect harmony. Spirit represents the essence of our being, and our connection to the Divine. It is everywhere, nowhere, and at the 'center'. The color most frequently associated with it is purple.
Get a candle in the appropriate color for each element. (votive candles are inexpensive and work well. Another option is to get votive candle cups in the appropriate colors and use white candles. The look of candle flames through glass as they begin to burn down can be very aesthetically pleasing.) You may chose to anoint the candles with oils appropriate to each element, or to gently carve appropriate symbols into them. Also find something to represent each element. (Look around your home, you may be surprised by what you find.) Some possibilities are feathers for air, red satin cloth for fire, a goblet of water, and stones for earth. What you specifically use is not as important at this point as finding those things that evoke a sense of the element for you. You may be as creative or Spartan as you like.
Meditate on each element separately. To give yourself ample time, I would recommend doing this on different days or nights. You may chose to work at times associated with each of the elements (look at the elemental table.), or at a specific time each day. Set up the candle and elemental representative wherever you normally do indoor meditation. Relax yourself and do the grounding and centering meditation and visualization. Then light the candle (you may also wish to burn incense) and focus on the element you are working on. Think about what you know it to represent on both natural and metaphorical levels. Get a sense of what it's energy is like.
When you are ready, ask it for guidance in understanding it's nature, and what it means to you in your life right now. Then give yourself a few quiet moments to let your mind wander and try to find a sense of knowing.
When you are finished, thank the element for it's presence and guidance. Add the words "Stay if you will, but go if you must.", to the end of your thanks. Blow out the candle, and spend a few moments writing your impressions down in your journal.
You may wish to ground and center again, particularly if you feel overly energetic or out of balance. You may also wish to eat something, which will help you to ground and balance if you have raised energy in the process of your meditation.
Continue to do this exercise until you have a good sense of the energy of each Element.