Friday, June 25, 2010

Interesting Conversation....Food for Thought

I stumbled across an interesting conversation in a blog on Paganism and Wicca that you can find on A person wrote in, because they may have to testify in court against a friend who they know committed a burglary. They were concerned that their testimony could harm their friend.

Clearly, the person in question who committed the crime initiated the cycle of harm with their actions- and the other responses basically said 'roast the bastard!'.

I decided to respond with a different approach, which I bet will be unpopular. This person seeking advice is concerned about their friend, and a conflict of loyalty and citizenship. My response considers several different approaches to this situation and the reasoning behind them, and leaves it to the questioner to decide what their best course of action is.

If you're curious about my thoughts, which may involve a little playing the Devil's advocate, follow the link below. I guess I just didn't think it was so black and white. I hope I never have to make the same kind of decision, but I don't know that I would stand against someone I felt Love and Loyalty towards, particularly if I felt motivated to get them help. I'd be conflicted, too.

What would you do?